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Our contribution to sustainable development

At Diadème,

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is represented by a voluntary commitment from our employees and suppliers to address the social and ethical issues encountered with our activities.

We are responsible for our society and the environment. Thanks to this responsibility, we have drawn up an internal code of conduct that also applies to all our partners.

Like our customers, we recognise the importance of our competitive prices, which are a key factor in the success of our businesses. The competitive prices of our products, combined with creativity, are a major factor in their success. We engage in the design and manufacture of jewellery under licence so that the prices we charge for our jewellery are not passed on to our production chain.

Our suppliers are committed to complying with local and international environmental regulations and standards. They must be able to prove the effective application of certain criteria, such as waste and emissions into the air and water. They must also pay particular attention to hazardous emissions, which must not be abandoned or dumped illegally. We encourage all these initiatives to reduce our impact, in particular through the use of environmentally friendly technologies. We have already succeeded in ensuring that all our products and packaging are PVC-free. For our brands, we do everything in our power to reduce our CO2 emissions.

diadème group

Insofar as we do not have our own factories or plants (with the exception of our 'precious metals' Jewellery workshops and laboratories), our suppliers are committed to following the guidelines of our code of conduct, which incorporates our Supplier Contract. In collaboration with our suppliers and service providers, we have developed a reciprocal contract that incorporates the basis of our agreements with our rules of good conduct.

Our staff carry out random and sometimes unannounced in-person inspections to check compliance with our standards and to help our suppliers implement the necessary changes.

We are committed to working with suppliers who agree to comply with the requirements of this Code of Conduct and who also respect the principles set out in the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines, and the principles of the Global Compact. We require strict compliance with these standards from all our suppliers, their factories, their subcontractors and their own suppliers. Any breach of conduct or violation of this code of conduct by our suppliers or their subcontractors will result in a review and possible termination of the business relationship.

The Diadème Group is committed to respecting moral and ethical values in the management of its business.